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Feel free to contact us for any questions not answered below. We are here for you!

  • We’d love to serve you! Please simply submit a contact form and one of our preferred partners will reach out to you.

  • Most products are built with either subpar media or lack a comprehensive approach to filtration. SimplyWater started our development process further upstream with the water quality in Middle Tennessee, then developed a solution to address both the contaminants, and the hardness without waste or the need for power.

  • For years, fluoride has been added to tap water in the United States under the assumption that it helps prevent tooth decay. However, a recent series in The Epoch Times News has renewed concerns about the health risks associated with fluoride consumption. Additionally, neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has emphasized the harmful effects of fluoride in tap water on brain health. As a concerned consumer living in Franklin, Tennessee, you should be aware of these risks and take action to protect yourself and your loved ones.

  • Our Premium Series utilizes the highest quality hydroxyapatite to target fluoride in tap water. Several cities do not add fluoride so our Eco system could be an alternative. However, this powerful media also addresses heavy metals so many customers choose the Premium system regardless of the presence of fluoride in their tap water. If you are interested in a fluoride only tank, we can customize of them for you to place after the Eco/Premium units for additional protection. We can also install a reverse osmosis unit with remineralization and revitalization if you desire even greater levels of protection.

  • Yes. We use a blend of hydroxyapatite and KDF55 which both are very effective at removing heavy metals such as water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals.

  • Yes, the high quality carbon utilized in both units will address these forever chemicals.

  • The only maintenance required is a bi-annual pre-filter change. We can supply those to you or point you in the right direction at an affordable price. We recommend a 1micron filter to ensure protection of your whole home system.

  • Our units are either 10” or 13” wide and about 60” tall with the valve head installed. With the prefilter it adds another 6-8” of needed space near the main water line in the home. We have had some customers who put their tanks in their closets because of the location of their main line. If you’re concerned about the location of your main line, it’s always a good idea to have a walk through with one of our partners.

  • Yes, our team drinks this water in our homes and love it. If you desire to have a drinking station with an ionizer or reverse osmosis unit we can help. Many companies soften the water with a salt system then reverse osmosis the drinking water without reimineralizing or revitalizing it! This is a big mistake. The water will pull minerals from your body to create homeostatis. Even the World Health Organization advises against RO water that is not remineralized. Please see solid research publication here to support these statements. It’s critically important to be working with a water company who not only purifies or conditions your water, but also keeps your health front of mind at all times.

  • If you are committed to a Reverse Osmosis approach, please consider a high quality remineralization filter along with a revitalization unit for under the sink. We can help! Don’t go it alone.

  • Yes, our systems are movable. Reach out to us if this is you and we can walk you through how to safely move your unit.

  • 7 years.

  • SimplyWater offers the following warranties on its harware:
    Vortech Tanks: Lifetime
    Tank Valves both in/our or backwash: 10yrs

  • The main differences are the fluoride media, the superior water conditioner, and the size of the tank (which impacts the volume of media or life of the tank)

  • 10 years.

  • SimplyWater offers the following warranties on its harware:
    Vortech Tanks: Lifetime
    Tank Valves both in/our or backwash: 10yrs

  • Softened water removes all of the minerals from the water using a resin which needs rinsed with salt water. This can make the water in the home feel slippery or slimy and also removes the helpful minerals needed for proper absorption into the cells. Superior Water Conditioners magnetically alter the natural characteristics of hard water minerals, making it difficult for them to bond together and form a hard brittle scale. Instead, they remain in a suspended state and will either flow on through, or can be easily purged from, water-using equipment and plumbing systems. Superior technology also has zero environmental impact because it requires no energy or chemicals to operate. By maintaining a stringent, optimized formula based on flow rate and pipe diameter.

  • Copper.

  • You should install Whole House Vortex Water Revitalizers on the main water line that comes into the house (before it splits into hot and cold). When selecting The Vortex Water Revitalizer, please ensure that its diameter matches the diameter of your main water pipe where it’s supposed to be installed.

  • World Living Water Systems Ltd. manufactures The Vortex Water Revitalizers™ in British Columbia, Canada

  • No. It only takes a one-time installation to set up The Vortex Water Revitalizer™. Once installed, there’s no further maintenance or replacement parts needed.

  • Yes. World Living Water Systems Ltd.’s entire product line comes with a 10-Year Limited Warranty. It’s designed with a lifetime of use in mind.

  • Biodynamizer Chart
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  • 10yr limited warranty (should last a lifetime)

  • The River of Life is a dual vortex with a curved design whereby the water is forced into an explosive double vortex movement, restoring it inherent structure, health, and vitality. It has one single type of movement internally and does not include magnetism and frequency like the Biodynamizer. It is more cost effective however. The Biodynamizer is the most sophisticated and comprehensive device in the world with 21 principles that deliver the closest water to mother nature on every tap in the home.


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